Sunday, December 7, 2008

To the couple sitting 5 feet away from me in my favorite café who have decided that a coffee table is the best place to change their infant's diaper:


Please don't.


Dr. S said...

Fecal coliforms!

Anonymous said...


~profgrrrrl~ said...


Anonymous said...


I have heard these stories--people changing diapers in airplane aisles, people changing them while riding a unicycle, etc.--but I thought they were urban legends.

You have confirmed in a first-person way that people are SO much more disgusting and presumptuous than I really wanted to know.

Anonymous said...

Even the less modest women in this country cover themselves a bit while breast-feeding in public, yet apparently miniature genitalia covered in feces 8 inches from food can't possibly be offensive. Still, could be worse. I think in Home Town you'd be more likely to see one of those parents continue to drink their coffee while changing.

Belle said...


hilary said...

For real?
Please remind me to not sit at that table if I am ever there with you.
I mean it.
What is wrong with people? (Wait!! Don't answer. I know it.)

Anonymous said...

Maybe they went to the loos, found there was no room to change a baby there and were doing it the café in protest! Or, admittedly, maybe they have just forgotten that not everyone is as blasé about infant poo as parents kind of have to get.

medieval woman said...

I'll second tenthmedieval - some parents are way too comfy with kid-poo.

Notorious Ph.D. said...

I think this post has generated more comments than just about anything I've ever written (with the exception of my troll-laden feminist post). Must be the end of the semester, no?

@ Historiann: I like the image of changing a baby while riding a unicycle.

@ Tenthmedieval: I sympathize with the protest mentality. On the other hand, some places are just too small for a changing table, and the only people witnessing the "protest" are people who had nothing to do with it -- just happy people trying to drink their coffee and eat their scones.

And on the third hand, there is a table -- one at the perfect height, no less! -- in the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

I think most *considerate* parents would figure out how to take care of business without putting on a show like that. If this was a smallish, funky, independent cafe, I wouldn't expeted it to have a "Koala Kare" flip-down changing table. My local independent cafe doesn't have one, but I've been there with diaper babies. With the aid of a changing pad, which everyone has these days, it's very easy to change a child on the bathroom floor, which is spacious and clean.

If the bathroom floor is disgusting, then you can always change a baby in the trunk of a car. I've seen that lots of times. (Be sure it's your car, though, and not someone else's car.)