Thursday, February 14, 2013

Damn, but I can be rash sometimes.

I just volunteered/agreed to submit an essay to an online "collected volume" -- a cluster of papers, in other words, peer-reviewed, but not blind.

  • It's going to be an interesting collection
  • It'll be fast, since it's online.
  • It'll be my first publication on the new material, and I really need to stop dinking around and start publishing.

  • It's ground-up work: I haven't done a conference paper or anything. Just a bunch of transcribed documents and a three-quarters-baked abstract.
  • The piece is due July 1.
  • I am out of the country the entire month of June.

Hm. Fear = motivation?


Comrade Physioprof said...

YEAH! Don't let those fuckers drag you into that direction!

Belle said...

Oops. My secret is out. I'm working on a paper I proposed nearly a year ago... er, no. Somebody else took a topic I suggested and came up with a title I'm trying to work to, er... around, for a conference in April.

Yeah. Fear is all too effective as a motivator for me...

Betsyanne (E Sheppard) said...

Good luck. And yes, fear is always a great motivator. Right now I'm saying "no" to many new projects. I have way too many!!