Friday, May 2, 2008

A (fairly) decent proposal

I'm done. Sort of. I've got a chapter that I'm 80% happy with, a proposal that rocks, and a decent cover letter. I've sent off the one to the one publisher who wants e-mail; I have a fat folder ready to go to the other two tomorrow.

In other news: my personal hygiene is as low as it's been since I was backpacking across Europe. My apartment is a mess. I've been living on lattes and scones, supplemented by the occasional hummus and crackers. My eyes are glazed. And yet... I still have to write a paper for Kalamazoo. Please tell me what I was thinking?!?

Screw it. I'm going home to shower and collapse. I'll catch up with y'all when I'm feeling more human...


jo(e) said...


Belle said...

Now that you're feeling better...

You were obviously feeling hopeful and professional for K'zoo! Now get to work ;-)

Dr. S said...

aaoowww! congratulations!

Notorious Ph.D. said...

Thanks, guys. Really. And by the way, once Kalamazoo is over, I'm going to sleep for days.

medieval woman said...

so keeping my fingers crossed for you!