Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What I'm Writing These Days

Yeah, it ain't blog posts, as you may have noticed.

But last night, I sat down to put something in the "assorted notes" for my presentation this April -- some stuff that will go in the intro... and two hours later when I looked at the clock again, I had written an entire draft of my introduction.

Look at the word counter: It's alive!!!**

I still hate this semester. This is the heaviest courseload I've ever had, combined with the heaviest service load I've ever had. The ass-kicking I promised to deliver it looks like it's going to be mutual. But I'm going to win.

**Okay, yeah: a 1200-word intro for a 7000-word presentation is, shall we say, excessive. But I'll cut later. Right now I want my words...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Famine is always exciting and productive...

Notorious Ph.D. said...

Anonymous, that may qualify as one of the most surreal comments I've ever received.

Dr. S said...

Woo hoo!!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

To do one work in all the time is make us bore. And now i don't know what i write in my this helpful resources blog. I just not know how can i manage in these days. I need relax from this work.

Anonymous said...

After repeating same work in all the day. Is make us bore and now i just want to know that what i write in this time. Come and read the article and then tell me what should i do in this time.

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Source said...

I see you are talked about 1200-words article. but I see your article is not enough length. can you fix it? thank you so much!