One or two gray hairs have started to put in the occasional appearance. Just one or two, but I anticipate more in the next couple years.
I can no longer physically fling myself out of bed and across the room at the sound of the alarm.
My neck...
My eyes are drying up, and my morning routine, every morning, now begins with eyedrops.
I have lost all patience with pretending I'm dumber, weaker, or smaller than I know myself to be just to support someone else's ego, and have finally sworn off behaving civilly to anyone who suggests I should.
On the other hand: I still sing to myself without realizing it, and engage in spontaneous dance breaks. I still ride my bike down the steep hill without touching the brakes** and love the pull of the centripetal force when I bank into the left turn at the bottom.*** I still wave and smile at other people's kids in restaurants, because they (the kids) seem to like it. I still think Chrissy Hynde kicks ass. I am still plagued doubts and insecurities, and plenty of them. I'm still prone to fits of joy or despair all out of proportion to actual events. I'm just learning not to make excuses for these things, because I'm starting to think they don't actually need to be excused.
Welcome to my fortieth birthday.
**I have even been known to yell "whooo!" while doing this.
To quote you...
Crappy birthday to you!
Crappy birthday to you!
Crappy birthday dear Notorious....
Crappy birthday to you!
Got your bifocals yet?
Happy birthday!!! 40 is good! 45 was also good! You, on the other hand, are great!
my word is 'binsized'...
Many happy returns, and much happy keeping-on-taking-no-crap.
@ Belle -- No crappiness here, I promise. And I no bifocals yet! Though perhaps ADM's word confirmation is a sign of things to come?
Thanks for the good wishes, all.
w00t! Now you *really* don't have to give a single flying fuck what anyone else thinks!
Happy Birthday! Sounds like you're giving yourself some excellent gifts, too!
I've been lurking for ages but wanted to post Happy Birthday!!
Have a great day!
Happy birthday! Have fun! (But why do you *want* there to be invisible cross traffic? I'm confused.)
Eeep! Uh... subconscious death wish? Actually just an editing error, now fixed. Thanks!
Happy Birthday, Notorious!
Happy Birthday! If it makes you feel better, by the way you write I thought you were in your late 20's or early 30's! Should I be scared that I'm 22, going into 4th year undergrad and already have grey in my hair and beard?
Happy Birthday, lady!
Hope you enjoy everything!!!
Happy birthday.
I hope there's another stone across the way that says "Opposing View Point."
A very happy 40th to you! And never, ever, stop shouting WHEEEEEE!
(A day late--I didn't read any blogs yesterday!)
My verification word is GYNEST, and that seems just about right.
Happy Birthday, Notorious. And many, many more, on blog and in RL.
Ha! You got eight or nine years' grace on the grey hairs compared to me, then! And the eyes, it would seem... So I am suitably envious. On the other hand, we are of one mind on bikes and Chrissy Hynde, whom I saw live a few years ago and found to completely justify every shred of my teenage crush on her. Okay, maybe we're not of one mind on her. I should stop writing now. May there never be cross-traffic there!
Happy bday! I'm right there behind you.
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