...I have a flu. The feverish, achy-all-over kind. It was bad enough that, for the first time in my career, I actually had someone cover my class (evaluations day) and
went home. I've been in and out of bed all afternoon, and expect this to keep up for the next couple of days. The same friend who covered my class is also being good enough to make a grocery store run for me (store is a mile away, and walking or riding my bike that far is out of the question for me right now).
The bad news (other than the general badness that is the flu) is that I'm missing a couple of things I had planned for the weekend -- an end-of-the-year departmental party (more fun than it sounds like) and a three-times-a-semester seminar that actually has some very interesting papers this time. I've e-mailed and made my apologies.
The good news (wholly unrelated) is that FabEd e-mailed to let me know that the book has been approved by accounting/marketing. That's the last step before it goes to the board. So hooray!
Oofh. That last hooray took my last ounce of energy. So I'll kill a couple more minutes before dear friend arrives with my provisions. Then I'm going to try to remain awake for the next couple of hours, go to bed at a normal-ish time, and let my body rest.

UPDATE: Dear Friend just showed up with diet ginger ale, herbal tea, orange juice, grapes, and vegetarian Thom Yum (clear spicy-gingery-lemongrassy broth) from my favorite thai place. C. popped over from next door to check on me. And G. (another colleague who, like C., lives in the same group of apartments) heard that I was sick, and picked up ginger snaps for me at Trader Joe's. It's always good to have friends, but it's especially good when you're sick.
Girl, you've gotta know that when you announce the flu in the present context, we're all gonna worry that you've contracted H1N1. Have you been to the doctor?
Ooo, feel better! Get lots of sleep!
Ick! Feel better soon!
Feel better! Flu in nice weather is miserable!
Sorry that you're sick! Maybe it's a sign that you needed the break, even though it's come at a rather inconvenient time. It is kind of nice to know who your friends are when you're sick, too.
I really hope you feel better soon. If you're still low tomorrow, do get to a doctor and let her rule out the H1N1 business.
Okay folks, thanks for the well-wishes. I am feeling marginally better, but I'm taking it easy tomorrow, too, just to be safe.
And kids, Swine Flu panic is so last week! From everything I've read, it's freaky on a species-jumping genetic level (bad implications there), but in normal circumstances is no more dangerous on an individual level than any other flu virus.
In any case, I've got a bit of energy back, thanks to my prodigious napping skills.
Beautiful photos!
(And if you get H1N1, that might be a good thing because then you might have some immunity when it comes back bigger and stronger in the fall.)
Oh, yuck! Sorry you feel bad. And do go to the doctor!
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