Okay, folks, time is running short: I'll be posting the next

on the 21st (which also happens to be my father's birthday, so: Happy Birthday, Notorious Dad!). BUT.... but, but, but... butt is what you need to get off of and SUBMIT YOUR SUGGESTIONS for the best ancient and medieval-themed blog posts of the past three months. Three whole months!
Item number two: The redoubtable Historiann and I have hatched a plan for an online roundtable (or one-book club, if you prefer) on the topic of Judith Bennett's
History Matters. Each Monday in March (women's history month, you know), one historian-blogger with interests in women's history, feminism, or both will post her (I think we're all hers right now) reflections on the book, and how it has shaped our thinking in terms of research, teaching, and/or feminist praxis in an academic context. Here's the schedule:
First Monday: Me!
Second Monday:
HistoriannThird Monday:
Tenured RadicalFourth Monday:
Another Damned MedievalistYou'll notice that that leaves a whole fifth Monday. We may have a fifth poster (details to be announced), but we'll also be inviting all of our readers to take that Monday to post their own reflections, either on the book, or on the conversation that it's generated.
So, submit something for Carnivalesque, then go
pick up a copy of
Bennett's book and stop by again in March (if not sooner; you know I always love to see you) and take part in the conversation.
(Yes, I am addicted to parentheses. What of it?)