So, although I haven't packed or taken out the garbage or anything even remotely like that, in two hours I'm headed off to Puddletown for a week. I'm going to see friends and family, drink coffee, buy books, keep transcribing, go hiking, celebrate my 40th birthday, and think about what it all means. I'll also be taking some pictures, so perhaps there will be a bit of photoblogging. And then we'll see what comes next.
Have a great week!
Lovely photo!
Have fun with books, transcriptions, and birthdays!
My word verification is "squatere." Sounds like the Latin verb form for me: Ego squadrato squato.
Awesome fucking picture!
Have a good trip!
Have a great trip, and enjoy. Life seems clearer after 40, I think.
Happy Birthday, too!
That picture is gorgeous. It looks just like that there! :)
Have a lovely time and happy birthday!
Okay, I have to ask: when's your birthday?? Because mine is the 30th, and my sister's was yesterday, so I'm just curious how close we are... :-)
Are you a Cancer?
Ooops... that didn't come out quite right.
yeah...a cancer on the corpus of society, man!
Yep -- birthday this saturday.
@ Dr. S. -- this was the narration as this picture was being taken:
"Aunt Notorious... why are you getting out? ... Why are you lying on the ground? ... What are you taking a picture of? ... Can we GO now?"
Happy birthday! And enjoy your travels!
I LOVE the phori!!
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