…since I'm getting a chance to visit some towns in Blargistan that formerly were only places on a map.
…since I did, after all, find one marvelous cache of highly relevant documents (about 100 of them), even if it only took me three days to page through and photograph the parts I needed.
…since I've discovered a fabulous new restaurant in each of the towns I've visited.
…since I got to spend a week in a sixteenth-century mansion.
…since I've gotten a chance to spend more time with friends.
…since my resolution to work more intensively on my Blerg has had fantastic results: I wouldn't call myself "fluent" or even "proficient," but I can carry on a decent conversation now about more than just my research, and in a full 5 verb tenses, with the occasional tentative foray into the subjunctive.
…since I've been eating extremely well,** yet can still somehow fit into all the clothes I brought with me (though I still have five full days here, so don't hold me to that).
…since both my presentations went relatively well, and one of them is even going to pay me, once I get the bank stuf sorted out.
…since I got to meet up with some friends & colleagues from the states who were also here.
…since I've been taking pictures again.
…since the view from the current archive window looks like this:

…since my one carry-on suitcase managed to get me through a five-week trip (though I'll be porting back more books than I came with).
…since I've discovered that ordering iced coffee has become a common and acceptable thing to do here, and I can now do so fluidly in both Blarg and Blerg.
…since there might be a Fabulous Seminar Thingy to take me back here next summer to hit some of the "I should have gone there instead!" places.
…since having found only 100 or so documents means that I'll have less to process when I return in a week or so, because really, I still haven't finished the ones from my sabbatical last year.
Still, I'm sure that some of you will identify with that part of my brain that calculates time and (considerable and personal) expense versus the measly three "productive" days I had, and starts to feel like this trip has been a colossal waste of time, money, and effort. Hence, the list above, to remind me that I have, indeed, gotten something out of this trip, even if it's not precisely the something I was hoping for.
**For the Comrade, and others who focus on such things: Last night's dinner was squid-ink tagliatelli with calamari in a medium-spicy white wine/butter sauce.